On Sunday, 24 of September, thousands of Gauteng residents across all five regions in the province came down to the Munsieville Sports Complex to celebrate the cultural wealth of our nation.

Led by Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation under this year’s national theme “Celebrating our cultural diversity in a democratic South Africa”, the celebration was meant to create awareness on the importance of liberation heritage as a vehicle to foster social cohesion, nation building, economic development, and inclusive citizenship.

The day’s formalities were preceded by a carnival street parade through the Liberation Heritage Route led by over 1 300 learners from various Gauteng schools. Four sites of significance are found on this route including the Exit house which housed activist en route to exile; the Old Pentecostal Church where an underground shooting range practice tunnel was located; the Pentecostal Church at which Mama Winnie Mandela made one of her famous speeches that South Africa will be liberated with a box of matches; and the late Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s childhood home among others.

Addressing the crowd, Gauteng MEC for Sports, Arts, Culture and Recreation Morokane Masupyoe highlighted the importance of celebrating Heritage Day. She said that as Heritage Day invokes our past experiences as a country, it gives people an opportunity to reflect on the present and prepare for the future while also embracing our unique identity and diversity as a country.

Various dignitaries including Mogale City Mayor Danny Thupane, Speaker of Council Lucky Sele, members of the Traditional Council and cultural groups across Gauteng were among the prestigious guests that graced the occasion.

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