Mar 20, 2012 | Quotations
Closing date and time: Monday 26 March 2012 Quotations are hereby invited from service providers for the provision of sound and entertainment performers at the annual state of the city address on the 3rd April 2012 at Mogale City Local Municipality. Download details...
Mar 20, 2012 | Quotations
Closing date and time: Monday 26 March 2012 Quotations are hereby invited from event management service providers for catering and décor for seven hundred (700) people at the annual state of the city address on the 3rd April 2012. Download details [PDF,...
Mar 19, 2012 | Quotations
Closing date and time: Tuesday 27 March 2012 Proposals are hereby invited from experienced service providers in the field of information technology auditing for co-sourcing an internal audit in various areas within information technology until 30 June 2012. Download...
Mar 19, 2012 | Quotations
Closing date and time: Thursday 29 March 2012 Quotations are hereby invited from service providers for maintenance of telemetry system at the wastewater treatment works and potable water pump-stations for a period of one (1) year Download details [PDF,...