RFQ: EM 04/2011
Closing date and time: 21 April 2011 @ 11:00 Quotations are hereby invited from caterers for the catering of two thousand (2 000) residents on Monday 25th April 2011 for the Annual Mayoral Soccer Tournament. Download details [PDF,...
IEM 09/2011
Closing date and time: 14 April 2011 @ 11:00 Quotations are hereby invited from the service provider/s for the supply and construction of picnic spots and multi-purpose recreation court at Kagiso Extension 14, Kagiso Park. Download details [PDF,...
EM 03/2011
Closing date and time: 14 April 2011 @ 11:00 Quotations are hereby invited from the service provider/s for supply, delivery and off-loading of equipment, protective clothing and chemicals at Dr Nelson Mandela Hall, Cecilia Street, Tarlton. Download details [PDF,...