Maropeng free entry for under 18

Youth Month: Live the legacy

Every year on 16 June South Africa commemorates the 1976 Soweto uprising to pay tribute to learners who stood up against the apartheid government, which also revolutionized the struggle against this oppressive system.  On this memorable day, the youth stood together...
Maropeng free entry for under 18

Keep your child alive

Keep your child alive, invest in child seatsThe Road Traffic Management Corporation (RTMC) has called on all stakeholders and parents to invest in child seats. “Infants and children need child restraint systems that accommodates their size and weight, and can...
Maropeng free entry for under 18

Residents receive title deeds

Mogale City’s Human Settlement and Real Estate Administration Division in partnership with Gauteng Department of Human Settlements’ Ntirhisano Outreach Programme recently handed over 30 title deeds to the community of Apple Park in Krugersdorp West. The programme...
Maropeng free entry for under 18

Mayoral IDP roadshows well on track

As Mogale City reaches the halfway mark of the 2018/2019 Integrated Development Planning (IDP) and Budget compilation process, Executive Mayor Patrick Lipudi and his team brace themselves for a further week of rigorous public participation meetings. The purpose of the...