Frequently asked questions about COVID-19

Frequently asked questions about COVID-19

As the Department of Health continues to closely follow and receive new information on COVID-19, we have compiled answers to some of your frequently asked questions about the virus, including how to protect yourself and to stop it from spreading amongst family and in...
Frequently asked questions about COVID-19

Help prevent the spread of COVID-19

Everyone has a role to play in preventing the spread of the disease and staying healthy  In December 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) which was first uncovered in Wuhan, China. The respiratory disease...
Online booking system to speed up delivery

Online booking system to speed up delivery

As of 1 January 2020, Mogale City’s Driving Licence Testing Centre has moved some of its service offerings to an online platform to speed up service delivery. Bookings for learner’s licence tests, driving licence tests, driving licence card renewals and Professional...
Executive Mayor’s message for the festive season

Executive Mayor’s message for the festive season

That time of the year has arrived where families come together to celebrate the festive season. It is season to show love, giving to needy, showing compassion and most of all to forgive. We have emerged from the year filled with many challenges that most we have...