F (SCM) 01/2024

F (SCM) 01/2024

Closing date and time: Monday, 11 December 2023 @ 11:00 Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of panel of service providers for the supply, delivery and off-loading of cartridges at municipal stores at Chamdor on and as and when required basis for a period of...
F (SCM) 01/2024

CDS (P&S) 02/2024

Closing date and time: Friday, 8 December 2023 @ 11:00 Tenders are hereby invited for the supply, delivery and off-loading of  two road marking machines in good condition as required in terms of this tender for Mogale City Local Municipality, as once off. Download...
F (SCM) 01/2024

CORP (ICT) 02/2024

Closing date and time: Thursday, 7 December 2023 @ 11:00 Tenders are invited for the appointment of a service provider/s for the installation of MCLM additional network points, support and maintenance of the MCLM fibre on an as and when required basis for a period of...
IEM (IWM) 04/2024

IEM (IWM) 04/2024

Closing Date: 8 November 2023 @ 11:00AM Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for hire of bulldozer on an as and when required basis for a period 60 days. Download...
IEM (IWM) 04/2024

CORP (HR) 06/2024

Closing Date: 7 November 2023 @ 11:00AM Quotations are hereby invited from experienced recruitment agencies/ consultant for the facilitation of recruitment of executive managers (Section 56 appointment) directly accountable to the Municipal Manager and middle...