We are pleased to announce that the West Haven Cemetery is now ready to serve the communities of Mindalore and surrounding areas.

As we prepare for its opening, we would like to take the opportunity to inform residents of Mogale City about an important development regarding burial practices at this new facility also applicable at all new sections of the active cemeteries currently managed by the city.

To ensure that the cemetery remains well-maintained, accessible and functioning, the municipality will permit only the installation of vertical headstones on graves.

This new approach offers several benefits, including:

  • It makes cemetery maintenance using ride-on lawnmowers, walk-behind lawnmowers or tractors instead of brush cutters
  • Saves time, money and labour on upkeep of the cemetery
  • Keeps the cemetery clean, neat and aesthetically pleasing, and
  • Improved security

Over the years traditional burial practices, which included full tombstones with headstones, concrete or granite slabs, kerbing, and decorative elements were allowed. While these practices hold cultural significance, they have posed considerable maintenance challenges. For example, full tombstones make terrain upkeep more difficult, requiring labour-intensive and costly methods such as brush cutters or time-consuming alternatives like walk-behind lawnmowers.

We understand that this change may be sensitive as it seen to tread on essential community rituals, and this new practice may appear as an enforced approach deviating from these ritualistic practices. For this reason, the Biodiversity Management team will host information sessions to raise engage residents and raise awareness on this approach as per the schedule below:


Area Clustered Wards Date Time Venue Presenters
Swanneville 1, 2 & 35 26 Febr 16H00 Lusaka Hall DIEM Team
Rietvallei (2 & 3) 3 & 34 25 Febr 16H00 Church (confirm with Councillor Nhlapo) DIEM Team
Extension 12, 13 and 14 4, 5, 36 (Ext. 14) 27 Febr 17H00 Ext.12 Hall DIEM Team
Azaadville 3 (Azaadville) 24 Febr 20H30 Azaadville Community Hall DIEM Team
Ga-Mogale and Plot 45



11 March 16H00 Ubuntu Art Centre



Orient Hills 12 March 16H00 Orient Hills



08 March Saturday 11H00 Hekpoort Community Hall






02 March Sunday 09H00 Church at Matshelapata



Smokedown 02 March Sunday 12H00 Church at Smokedown
Kagiso South and Central 6, 7, 11, 12, 36 (Ext. 9), 36(Chief Mogale) 28 Febr 16H00 Chief Mogale Hall DIEM Team
Kagiso East and West 8, 9, 10, 19 & 13 03 March 16H00 Kagiso Hall DIEM Team
Kagiso 1, Sinqobile, Soul City, Boiketlo and Lanwen Hostel 15 & 16 04 March 16H00 Kagisanong Hall DIEM Team
Sinqobile 14 05 March 16H00 Sinqobile Crech DIEM Team
Luipaardsvlei, Mindalore 9 (Mindalore) & 16 (Luipaardsvlei) 06 March 17H00 Jubilee Hall DIEM Team
Munsieville 24, 25, 27 07 March 16H00 Munsieville Sports Hub DIEM Team
K/dorp West, West Village, Apple Park, Boltonia, Water Vaal, K/dorp North and Town, Dan Pienaarville, Rant en dal, Noordheuwel, Monument, Wentworth Park, Silverfields, Kenmare, Rangeview, Breaunanda 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, 37, 26 & 38 10 March 17H00 Centenary Hall DIEM Team
Half-A-Way 39 01 March Saturday 09H00 Kromdraai Grounds DIEM Team
Kromdraai Portion 26 12:00 Weighbridge



15:00 Halfway  Shopping Centre
Ethembalethu, 23 13 March 16H00 Grace Church DIEM Team
Rietfontein Village   16H00 Muldersdrift MPCC
Mojuteng 14 March 09H00 Lebo’s Crèche
Plot 89 Nooidgedacht



15 March Saturday


13H00 TBC DIEM Team