Whilst the municipality notes with concern the recent and past negative media coverage on its network of water sewer treatment facilities, it is import to provider a factual update of municipal interventions and overall refurbishment work of the pumpstations and wastewater treatment plants.
Mogale City has a total of 22 sewer pump stations, of which 12 pump stations are either non or partially operational because of historic maintenance challenges, infrastructure vandalism and theft. Sewer pump stations pumps sewage from lower lying areas and discharging into outfall sewers or directly to the wastewater treatment works in the city. The city has three Wastewater Treatment Works (WWTW) namely Percy Stewart, Flip Human and Magaliesburg WWTW.
The refurbishment of municipal sewer pump stations project was handed over to a service provider in March 2024. This was possible after a budget was secured by the city for 2023/24 and 2024/25 financial years. As previously communicated in a series of media advisories and related engagements over the past six months, the sewer pump stations project mainly involves the refurbishment of mechanical and electrical equipment to prevent overflows and spillages, but also includes security and safety. For the period March to May 2024, pump station assessments, compiling of the Bill of Quantities, negotiation of rates, and ordering of materials were done, and only in June 2024 actual work started on the pump stations. The status of the targeted pump stations and work done to date is as follows:
Munsieville Sewer Pump station
The pump station has been fully refurbished, and work done here includes the purchasing and installation of a new pump and non-return valves, service of the mechanical screen, service and repair of the electrical panels, refurbishing of the guardhouse and other security requirements including security fence, security lights, concrete slab for access of service vehicles, etc. The two existing pumps were sent for refurbishment and delivery is expected in September/October 2024. The overflow pipe installation for the screen needs to be done by end of September 2024. It must be noted that the pump station was non-operational for approximately one year, and challenges such as blockages and failures may occur, but this will be dealt with by our team on standby as and when required.
Status: The pump station is fully operational.
Ga-Mogale Sewer Pump Station – Magaliesburg
The pump station has been fully refurbished, and the work included purchase and installation of two new pumps, servicing of the mechanical screen, service and repair of the electrical panels as well as security upgrades and refurbishing of the guardhouse, security lighting, etc. One existing pump was sent for refurbishment and delivery is expected in September/October 2024. This pump station was also non-operational for nearly a year, and challenges such as blockages and failures may occur.
Status: The pump station is fully operational.
Hilltop Sewer Pump station – Magaliesburg
The service provider started cleaning and site clearing work on the pump station in August 2024, with the existing two pumps taken for service and refurbishment. A new pump will also be installed but outstanding work includes installation of a new electrical cable, refurbishing of the guardhouse, new security fence and security lights, safety signage, etc.
Status: The pump station is expected to be operational by the end of September 2024.
River Sewer Pump station – Magaliesburg
The pump station is operational and pumping to the Hilltop Sewer Pump Station, however this station will only be switched on after completion of the Hilltop Sewer Pump Station. The two existing pumps will be fully serviced on-site, and fully refurbished including security fence and security lights, nameboard and safety signs, refurbish of guardhouse, new chain block, and cleaning of perimeter around the pump station.
Status: The pump station is expected to be operational by the end of September 2024.
Bush Street, Adam Street, Royal Cradle 1 and 2 Pump Stations
A complete assessment was done in August 2024 for each of the abovementioned pump stations. The service provider is currently compiling the Bill of Quantities (detail on the quantity and quality of work required) and programme of works. The pump stations were completely vandalized, with all mechanical, electrical, and security equipment to be fully replaced and refurbished.
Status: Work is scheduled to commence in October 2024 and expected to be completed after 3 months.
Rietvallei Extension 1 Sewer Pump Station
To commence work on the refurbishment of this and the Lusaka 2 Pumpstations, a service was appointed, and the handover is scheduled before end of September 2024. The pump station was completely vandalized, and the transformer room burnt down. The station requires that all electrical, mechanical, and security equipment be fully replaced or refurbished. A complete assessment was done in August 2024, and the service provider is compiling the Bill of Quantities and programme of works.
Status: Due to the size of the pump station and the extent of the work required, a minimum of six months is expected for completion for total refurbishment inclusive of major security upgrade work.
Lusaka Ext 2 and 3 Sewer Pump Station
The same service provider appointed on the Rietvallei Extension 1 project will do the required refurbishment work at on this project, and the handover is also scheduled for September 2024. This pump station was also vandalized, requiring some electrical, mechanical, and security equipment to be fully replaced or refurbished. A steel pipe on the rising main in the riverbed was washed away and needs to be replaced. An assessment will be done in September 2024, after with a detailed Bill of Quantities and rates to be compiled. The pump station is pumping to the Rietvallei Extension 1 Pump Station and can therefore only be switched on after the Rietvallei Pump Station is operational.
Two sewer pump stations were fully refurbished since the project started, whilst two additional pump stations are scheduled for completion by end September-October 2024. Four are scheduled for completion by the end of December 2024 and the remaining six pump stations scheduled for completion by end June 2025. Service and maintenance of operational pump stations will continue as per the Wastewater Networks Operation and Maintenance programme. Vacuum tankers are deployed as and when required, and maintenance teams are available on a 24/7 basis to attend to all sewer blockages and spillages.
To conclude, the municipality wishes to restate its commitment in demonstrating transparency, an overturn on operations and management of the network sewer facilities, and to dispel the negative perceptions of a total disregard for the effects of effluent spillage. All this for sustained benefit of our people, attracting increased investment, retaining our World Heritage status as the City of Human Origins, tourism and broader city industry growth and increased job creation rather than losses.
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