The city’s MMC for Human Settlements and Real Estate Management (HSRE) Merriam Mogoje, earlier this month commenced the departments’ three-month long Human Settlements Outreach Programme to share housing related information with Mogale City residents.

The programme comes as a result of an influx of residents visiting municipal offices to enquire about RDP housing and general housing enquiries. Councillor Mogoje endeavours to ensure that local communities have access to decent housing with basic services in place and are well versed on housing issues.

The outreach programme which started in Kagiso on 8 February with a clustered wards meeting at the Chief Mogale Community Hall, is expected to be concluded in April and will cover both rural, townships as well as the suburban areas of the city.

Accompanied by HSRE officials, Councillor Mogoje detailed the RDP and housing subsidy application and allocation process and explained that these processes are a provincial competency. She further touched on Gauteng Department of Human Settlements’ Rapid Land Release Programme which aims to fast track the release of serviced stands to qualifying beneficiaries as well as the Kasi4Real Programme designed to formalise backyard developments in townships.

Councillor Mogoje assured residents that follow up meetings will be held throughout the city, to give feedback on issues raised by the residents.

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