As we approach another festive season and prepare to usher in the New Year, Mogale City urges parents and young people to consider the impacts of their celebrations on the environment and our animal friends.

While thrilling and beautiful for many, the tradition of lighting fireworks poses significant threats to both the quality of air we all share and animals. This is how:

Protect animals: Animals, especially pets, are deeply affected by the loud and sudden noises of fireworks. The terror they experience can lead to anxiety, stress and even most likely permanent injuries. So this festive season, lets make a collective effort to create a safe and calm environment for our four-legged friends.

Preserve our environment: Although beautiful to watch, fireworks contribute to air pollution by releasing harmful gasses into the atmosphere. By saying NO to fireworks, you actively contribute to cleaner air and a healthier environment for everyone.

Mogale City therefore urges all residents – young and old – to celebrate this festive season with compassion and kindness by saying NO to fireworks and YES to creating a peaceful environment for both humans and animals alike.

Thanking you in advance for your understanding and commitment to a safer and more peaceful environment for all this festive season.