It has come to the attention of the municipality that residents are uncertain regarding the relevant municipal office operational hours, the nature of burials and associated activities allowed on weekends. The municipality consequently wishes to provide information and clarity on some arrangements as follows:

Indigent and pauper burials

  • Mogale City reserves the right to identify and allocate the exact sites for indigent and/or pauper burials in the deceased family’s preferred cemetery in situations where burial space is limited.
  • All indigent and/or pauper burials will be limited to weekdays, excluding public holidays.

All other burials and associated activities

  • All other burials will be allowed as per bookings and confirmed payment in line with the approved tariffs on weekdays. The following business hours apply:
    • Mondays to Saturdays:                   7:00 – 14:00
    • Sundays and public holidays:        7:00 – 12:00
  • Gravesite visiting hours:
    • Mondays to Sundays:             7:00 – 17:00
  • Tombstone erection and construction:
    • Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays and weekends):  7:00 – 14:00
    • Note: The erection of tombstones on weekends can only be allowed if done at the same time as the funeral
  • Unveiling of tombstone:
    • Prior booking with office staff during office hours is a compulsory prerequisite.

Cemetery staff office hours

All assistance required from cemetery staff (e.g., grave bookings; confirmation of grave numbers, etc.):

  • Mondays to Fridays (excluding public holidays and weekends):        7:00 – 15:30

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