Mogale City Local Municipality under the newly appointed administration affirmed new political office bearers during the 23rd Special Council sitting held at the city’s Council Chamber.

The political administration informally referred to as the Government of Local Unity, is a coalition made up of the ATM, EFF and ANC. The office bearers were affirmed under the judicial supervision of Chief Magistrate Abdul Khan of the Krugersdorp Magistrate Court.

“It is an honour to serve as a councillor in one’s community. In acknowledgement of the importance of the trust placed on us in service of our communities, Rule 54 of the Council Rules of Orders mandates all local government officials to solemnly affirm before a judicial officer upon taking office’’ said Speaker Sele, who also serves as the Chairperson of Mogale City Legislature in his opening address.

The solemn affirmation, which is more than a formality, saw the Executive Mayor Danny Thupane, Speaker of Council Lucky Sele, Chief Whip Tsholofelo Ramaisa and 10 Members of the Mayoral Committee pledging that they will uphold and fulfil standards and obligations to which they were appointed.

Mayor Thupane concluded the first session of Council sitting by informing the audience that his team was ready to govern. He said the affirmation of office bearers means Mogale City now has a stable governance team that will play a role in ensuring that the city occupies strategic positions again. He also indicated that the affirmation process will allow office bearers to implement the municipality’s policies to better the lives of residents.