As roads form a critical part of the transport infrastructure of our city, the municipality remains focused on providing quality roads that are accessible, safe and enhance public movement for residents, cyclists, motorists and our visitors.

Through our Infrastructure Development Services department, Mogale City has embarked on a Roads Rehabilitation and Resurfacing Project to improve and maintain the conditions of main access roads into the city. This initiative is not only intended to preserve the city’s roads to their originally constructed conditions but also strives to ensure the protection of adjacent resources and user safety especially following the recent torrential rains.

As of tomorrow (Friday, 3 March 2023), appointed contractor Bande Properties will commence with construction work on Albertina Sisulu Road commonly known as Main Reef Road which will necessitate the partial closure of one lane. Work to be carried out includes pavement layer works, milling, patching, repairing edge breaks and resurfacing.

Although our Public Safety officials will be onsite to control traffic and ensure that traffic congestion is kept to a minimum, we recommend that road users make provision for possible travel time delays between 07h00am until late in the evening while work is in progress.