The confirmation of Cholera cases in Gauteng by Health Minister Dr Joe Phaahla has created some panic across the province. Amidst widespread circulation of the news and as routinely done, Mogale City Water Services conducted the necessary drinking water analysis in accordance with the South African National Standards (SANS 241 Drinking Water Standards) and can confirm that Mogale City supplied water is safe to drink.

Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal infection caused by the ingestion of contaminated or polluted water or food containing the Vibrio cholerae bacteria and can affect people of all ages. As the country’s leading bulk water supplier to Mogale City and others, Rand Water has disinfection water treatment processes in place to inactivate bacteria such as Vibrio cholerae. The treatment processes include primary chlorine, secondary monochloramine and in certain locations, tertiary hypochlorite disinfection processes.

Rand Water also monitors for Escherichia coli, a bacteria used to indicate the presence of other bacteria in drinking water and all reports show that drinking water supplied by Rand Water complies with (SANS 241). In addition to Rand Water checks, the municipality also monitors water provided to communities daily and all drinking water samples tested complied and pose no health risk.

Symptoms include diarrhoea, dehydration, vomiting, body weakness and children may develop a fever. Those who experience symptoms must visit their nearest health facility for screening and testing.

We advise members of the public to be extra cautious and follow the following Cholera safety measures: 

  • Wash hands with water and soap before and after using the bathroom and before preparing food or eating
  • Use only clean, treated or boiled water
  • Wash all raw food and food utensils with clean, treated or boiled water
  • Safely store and prepare easily perishable foods such as fish and chicken
  • Don’t allow children to play in dirty pools, rivers or storm water outlets

The municipality will continue working closely with Rand Water as our bulk water supplier to monitor the situation to ensure that our water remains safe. On 28 February 2023, Rand Water indicated that to date, no Vibrio cholerae was detected in the incoming raw water supplies.