Mogale City Executive Mayor Councillor Tyrone Gray has honoured 88 learners who completed their studies through National Rural Youth Service Corps (NARYSEC) program.
Narysec Graduation Ceremony that was held on 23 November 2022 at Indaba Hotel in Fourways also put a total of 41 city graduates on the map. According to the media statement from the office of the mayor, these learners were recruited from various rural communities including Tarlton, Muldersdrift, Magaliesburg, Swaneville, Munsienville and Kagiso to name a few. “These learners were all placed at Flavius Mareka TVET College and Matjhabeng Traffic College for the duration of the training,” reads the statement.
Speaking at the Ceremony, Mayor said the municipality will continue to seek opportunities that upskill and empower the youth of the city and participate in all government youth programs and initiatives. “As government we must move away from working in silos but promote partnerships and the spirit of working together to serve the community we are appointed to serve,” said the elated mayor.
Among the graduates, were traffic officers who successfully completed their qualifications and students in Real Estate.
In support of youth development, municipality and the various stakeholders partnered to ensure government continues to fight against poverty and unemployment in the country by offering opportunities of acquiring skills that will enable young people to find and create employment.
Narysec programme was established in September 2010 with the main focus of capacitating rural youth to become economically active and contribute towards the upliftment of their rural communities.
Mayor and other delegates culminated the occasion and handed out certificates to the graduates for completing all phases of their learning. As our own graduates embark on the next chapter of their lives, Mayor also encouraged them to take control of their path and define their own success.