Mogale City wishes to remind rate payers that the municipality is now banking with ABSA effective from 1 July 2022. This is in line with the Municipal Financial Management Act read with the Municipal Supply Chain Management Regulations both requiring municipalities to renew the tender for primary banking services every five years.

Consumers that pay the municipality via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) must note that the municipality is listed as a public beneficiary across all major banks on their internet banking platforms. Therefore, NO change of banking details or beneficiary action is required from their side when making the payment. ABSA has communicated the new banking details with all South African banks, and they will seamlessly change the account number on their systems from our previous banker Standard Bank to ABSA. To pay the municipality via EFT, clients do not need a municipal bank account number but must simply search for Mogale City Local Municipality under their respective bank’s public listed beneficiaries. Clients are reminded to always reference their EFT payments with their municipal account number.

Consumers that wish to pay by direct deposits at an ABSA branch must simply indicate to the tellers that they would like to pay MOGALE CITY LOCAL MUNICIPALITY and will not be required to provide any banking details. Clients will however be required to provide their municipal account number for referencing of the payment to enable identification and allocation.