Mogale City’s Water Services is aware that parts Krugersdorp North, Munsieville and Quellerie Park have no water supply this morning. This is due to a burst pipe (450 mm) at the corner of Viljoen and Van Riebeek Streets which was repaired last night. Although the repair was successfully done, the pipe could not be kept steady as a result of soggy soil where repair work took place. Dry soil was ordered last night and delivered on site this morning. A team is currently backfilling the trench with dry soil which will be followed by trench compaction to stabilise the ground.
Water supply is expected to be restored at 10h30am today.
Roving water tankers have been made available at the following locations:
- Munsieville Reservoir close to Usave
- Dan Pienaarville Reservoir
- Krugerdorp North Spar
- Rant en Dal Spar
We apologise for the inconvenience that this interruption has caused to residents and businesses operating in the affected areas.
Issued by:
Mogale City Local Municipality
Water Services Division
Call Centre: 0861 664 253
Email: customerservices@mogalecity.gov.za