“Let all of us – each and every one – ask ourselves a question: why do we keep silent when we are witnesses to violence against women; why do we keep silent when we are daily subjected to intolerable abuse?!” This quote from former President Thabo Mbeki’s 9 August 1999 speech comes to mind as Women’s Month draws to a close in South Africa.

Ordinarily, Women’s Month honours women across the country for their strength and courage however under current circumstances, it was only fitting to emphasise and continue with efforts to put a stop to femicide, rape and all other violent crimes waged against women and girls. It has been 21 years since the former president delivered this unreserved speech and yet thousands of women and girls in our communities, town and cities continue to endure:

  • Physical violence
  • Sexual violence
  • Emotional abuse
  • Economic violence
  • Child abuse

Mogale City Local Municipality has, through its month-long Women’s Rights are Human Rights campaign, not only reminded women and girls in the city that they are not alone and they do not have to stand alone but also educate people to see early signs of various types of abuse that one could easily overlook. There is help!

The municipality’s social workers are available weekdays between 9:00am to 13:00pm on 011 951 2375 to provide professional psychological support and trauma counselling to victims of gender based and domestic violence throughout the year.

We also urge every community member to break the culture of silence and report cases of abuse anonymously to gbv.org.za/report-case/

Other important numbers:

Department of Social Development
Emergency line: 0800 428 428
Send a please call me to *120*7867#
For people with disability, SMS ‘help’ to 31531

Childline South Africa
Call 08000 55 555 to report child abuse