In compliance with Covid-19 regulations which prohibits the hosting of mass meetings or public gatherings, the Municipal Demarcation Board (MBD) is inviting members of the public to give their inputs on how their wards should be configured. As part the MDB’s every 5 year process, wards are demarcated for the purposes of local government elections and is ideally done 10 months prior the elections.
Wards are normally delimited to change the number of councillors or change the number of voters within a municipality.
Citizens from municipalities in Gauteng, including our own Mogale City where the MDB could not engage the public prior the lockdown, are encouraged to use this opportunity and send their written proposals on how their wards should be shaped via the following platforms:
- Email – registry@demarcation.org.za
- WhatsApp – 072 819 8220
- Facsimile (Fax) – 012 342 2480
- Visit demarcation.org.za for more information and the importance of the process
Mogale City residents can also send emails to the Office of the Speaker (Mr T. Rabapane on thabo.rabapane@mogalecity.gov.za) with any further queries on Mogale City wards, councillors, its demarcation and related information.
Deadline for submissions is 31 July 2020