As generally published across various news platforms, our Covid-19 statistics do paint a grim picture not only in our city but across South Africa. This can partly be attributed to non-compliance to regulations, disregarding some containment measures and general public failure to adhere to the rules. Based on this, the municipality alongside other government partners including the South African Defence Force a new partner to the District Command Council endures increasing effort on the diverse areas of work including enforcement of the regulations, traffic, sanitisation, testing and screening and other. 

The municipality once again implores citizens to comply and stay on the safe side of the law.

Mogale City and West Rand Covid-19 statistics from 30 April 2020 to 6 May 2020

  • A total of 38 cases were recorded
  • 23 confirmed Covid-19 cases with two in hospital, whilst 21 in self isolation at home
  • Still 2 COVID-19 deaths recorded in the West Rand (1 unallocated)
  • 19 German nationals that were quarantined in Muldersdrift since their arrival in the country on 27 March have since been repatriated
  • 32 recoveries in the West Rand therefore 19 active cases

 Screening and Testing as at 6 May 2020

  • A total number of 101 288 people were screened of which 2908 were tested
  • A number of 81 traces were monitored

Mogale City’s Permanent screening sites are open daily between 09:00 – 15:00:

  • Chief Mogale Hall, Kagiso
  • Krugersdorp Banquet Hall

Over the past week, screening and testing was done at the following temporary sites:

  • Boiketlo Hostel Ward 15
  • Mqandashi / Lanwen Hostel Ward 14
  • Wentworth Park (near West Rand Plastics)
  • Bull Brand Informal Settlement
  • Blue Bottle, Kromdraai Ward 39
  • Key West Ward 20
  • Rietvallei Ward 2&3, Taxi Rank Ward 34
  • Kagiso, St. John Church Ward 04
  • Kagiso Extension 14, Thutopele Secondary School Ward 36
  • Kagiso Extension 12, Philadelphia Church Section Ward 04

 Public Safety 30 April – 6 May 2020                                          

  • 69 roadblocks
  • 587 traffic related fines
  • 2 893 vehicles stopped at roadblocks
  • 5 non-compliance to regulations arrests
  • 32 funeral compliance enforced
  • 6 Motor vehicle accidents attended to
  • 20 shops inspected and goods confiscated
  • 1 vehicle turned back to Province of origin
  • Assistance of sanitisation teams when in Mogale and escort duties

 Sanitisation of public spaces

Over the past week a total number of:  

  • 895 taxis and 2432 commuters hands were sanitised as follows at Leratong, SONAP, Luipaardsvlei Station, TOTAL Magalies, Krugersdorp Temporary Rank, President Hyper and Swanieville Taxi Ranks
  • 2 schools (Monument Primary and Bastion High)
  • 2 public service buildings (SAPS Krugersdorp and Mogale City Local Municipality)

Temporary Trading Permits

Trading permits issued to date:

  • By end April = 854 permits
  • 5 – 6 May = 81 permits

Issuing of new permits was scheduled to close on Friday 8 May.

Food Parcels Distribution

In managing the recent challenges around food parcels the Municipality led by the Office of the Executive Mayor assisted long-time partner Harmony Gold Mining Company and with the backing of the Simphiwe Tshabalala Foundation to hand over 300 food parcels in wards 1, 2 and 35.

The Homeless, Elderly and Indigent support

Since the beginning of the lockdown on 27 March 2020, the municipality has been experiencing challenges such as escapes, theft and substance abuse in its homeless shelters/halls. Mogale City however continues to host the homeless in safe and structured environments as follows:

  • Magaliesburg Hall – 36
  • Jubilee Hall – 6 females
  • Paul Kruger Hall – 33 males
  • Tarlton 18 (12 females, 4 kids and 2 males)


  • 11 families provided with food parcels
  • 9 burials and 4 gravesites assisted with
  • Harmony Gold also provided 493 care packs for the elderly in wards 1, 2 and 35 which included face masks, face soaps, pocket tissues, Dettol and a face cloth

 Waste Management

  • Refuse removal completed as per schedules across the municipality
  • Bulk container services rendered to customers and informal settlement
  • Litter picking ingoing in the CBD and main routes
  • No Illegal dumps cleared
  • Skeleton staff doing litter picking in the CBD
  • Essential Waste Management staff on duty


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