To: All Media
Attention: News Editors and Journalists
Issued : Friday, 25 October 2019
For immediate release
Mogale City calls for residents to use water economically
Following calls from the National Department of Water and Sanitation and our water supplier Rand Water to use water sparingly, Mogale City Local Municipality hereby urges its local constituency to follow suit in an effort to ease pressure on the country’s water supply.
There has been a lot of strain placed on the province and the country’s water resources and supply all stemming from extremely high temperatures and scarcity of rain. This has seen an increase in use of water which has placed pressure on Rand Water’s supply. The current equitable water supply is at 4370 Ml/d (mega litres per day) but consumption is at 4900 Ml/d, meaning 530 Ml/d more than the daily average supply which is cause for concern.
Apart from the fact that water is globally becoming a scarce resource, we have been feeling the pinch in our own local cities and Mogale City is no exception. The municipality is also working on water restrictions and once approved and promulgated, the implementation thereof will also take place.
We do however continue to advise residents to use water sparingly by constantly following these water-saving instructions:
- Limit your shower time – a 5 minute shower instead of a bath. If you prefer to bath do not fill the bath to the brim
- Switch the water off while shaving or brushing your teeth
- Only wash plates when necessary
- Fix and report any toilet, pipes or other leaks
- Do not excessively backwash your swimming pool
- Use a bucket instead of hosepipe to wash your car
- Plant indigenous and non-water-consumptive plants
- Use grey water to flush toilets
This will not only assist in saving the train on our water resources but also help save some money which can be used for a good cause.
For more information on using water better visit www.randwater.co.za and click on Water Wise logo.
Issued by Mogale City Local Municipality Corporate Communications