The South African Police Service (SAPS) has embarked on a nationwide recruitment process as a means to bolster crime fighting efforts. This year, SAPS management said it is seeking to attract youth between the ages of 18 and 30 for the 2019/2020 Basic Police Learning Development Programme (BLDP) intake.
Prospective applicants need to be in possession of a Senior Certificate/National Senior Certificate or National Certificate (Vocational). Those in possession of post matric qualifications and do not have criminal records and pending criminal cases are also encouraged to apply.
“Those who previously served in a government department and were subsequently dismissed due to misconduct are discouraged from applying,” SAPS said in a statement.
To ensure that SAPS enlists disciplined, upright and passionate candidates, only the right candidates will be enlisted. In ensuring that happens all applicants will be subjected to fitness, psychometric and integrity testing as well as medical evaluations during the recruitment, selection and enlistment process. This includes conducting vetting and fingerprint verifications.
SAPS further stated that successful candidates will be notified telephonically and will undergo a 21 month training programme at any SAPS Academy nationwide. “Successful police trainees will be subjected to continuous security and fitness screening, which included continuous verification of criminal profile as well as medical and physical fitness including drug or substance abuse testing,” SAPS clarified.
Selected applicants must further take note that they will be trained at any SAPS Academy in South Africa and will be placed at any police station/unit in South Africa after completion of training during which a stipend of R4 500 will be paid.
Applications close on the 15th October 2019 and it must be noted that the service will no longer receive applications after the closing date. For the full article visit: https://www.sanews.gov.za/south-africa/saps-recruitment-drive-opens-targets-youth