NARYSEC is a skills development programme involving young people residing and making a living in rural settings. It is a long term programme of government facilitated, coordinated and implemented by the DRDLR in partnership with other national, provincial and local structures. Its intention is to ensure maximum value is derived from the skills and knowledge systems of rural populations. In the end, the enhancement of skills, the development of complete transferable competencies will improve the economic condition of rural areas and young people in particular.
NARYSEC falls within the CRDP. Its emphasis is on community service and on meeting basic human needs which is Phase 1 of the CRDP. Over time, NARYSEC will seek to achieve the goal of creating enterprises in the rural setting that are self-managed and sustainable. In addition, NARYSEC seeks to inculcate a culture of responsible conduct, self-discipline, high moral values, personal confidence and national pride among young people residing in rural areas. NARYSEC is called “National Rural Youth Service Corps” (NARYSEC) whose aim is to enhance skills development by providing unemployed rural youth with opportunities to work in their communities and to be trained to provide the necessary services for local socio-economic development. All youth (men and women of all races and those with disabilities currently residing in rural communities) are invited to apply to participate in this 2 years programme.
Successful applicant will be required to be away from home for a period of about 4 months attending Leadership Development Training and again be away from home for a period of about 12 months attending Traffic Officer Accredited Training to acquire SAQA accredited qualification. This period include class training at the College for about 4-6 Months and work place (practical) training for about 6 months.
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