With the chilly weather making us reach for our blankets and warm food, Azaadville Muslim School in partnership with Mogale City Local Municipality donated food parcels and blankets to needy families in Kagiso to spread warmth to some of those who are less fortunate. The campaign has been running for 15 years.
School learners together with their teachers, Executive Mayor Patrick Lipudi and Ward Councillor Shabier Dabhelia handed over 1 200 blankets and food parcels containing maize meal, cooking oil, flour and beans to identified community members in Swanieville, Kagiso Extension 12, Reitvallei 2 and 3 as well as Lunar Sand.
“It is a great honour that our leaners saw the need to continue doing what they have been doing for the past 15 years. As part of the Islamic faith it’s incumbent upon Muslims to assist the needy, which can either fall in the categories of Zakat (annual alms-giving) or Sadaqah (Charity). The timing of doing it at the end of the Holy month of Ramadan made it more special,” school principal Mahommed Patel said.
According to Patel, the leaners managed to raise over R100 000 through fund raising.
Mogale City Executive Mayor said: “The municipality appreciates the opportunity to be part of this noble project. It is important for schools and children to bring communities together and partake in community issues. We would also like to extend our gratitude to the ward councillor who is always available when the learners need him.”