Every year on 16 June South Africa commemorates the 1976 Soweto uprising to pay tribute to learners who stood up against the apartheid government, which also revolutionized the struggle against this oppressive system. 

On this memorable day, the youth stood together and laid down their lives fighting for freedom and the right to equal education.

Observed as a public holiday, the day not only serves as a reminder that young people in the country were at the forefront of our struggle, but as an opportunity to take stock a state organ of the strides we have made in addressing issues facing the youth.

Acknowledging the importance of our youth, in South Africa we do not only commemorate Youth Day but dedicate the entire month of June to the youth. Government and its agencies such as the National Youth Development Agency will over the month host a number of engagements including youth expos, dialogues and youth entrepreneur hubs to showcase opportunities available to young people.

This year’s Youth Month takes place within the same year that South Africa marks the 100 years (Centenary) for both Nelson Mandela and Albertina Sisulu.

Youth Month also comes less than three months since President Cyril Ramaphosa launched the Youth Employment Service initiative that aims to prepare young people for work through training and matching programmes. It is a business-led initiative in partnership with government, labour and civil society and will offer one million young South Africans paid work experience over the next three years. This year’s theme is “Live the legacy: Towards a socio-economically empowered youth”

Let us all show our support for Youth Month and Day.