President Cyril Ramaphosa will host the 10th BRICS Summit, scheduled to take place at the Sandton International Convention Centre (ICC) in Johannesburg, from 25–27 July 2018. Brics Summit (an acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), is an international relations conference attended by the heads of state or heads of government of the five member states.

Some of the aims and objectives of BRICS are to promote technological information exchange among member countries, improve education of Brics nations as well as economic cooperation while bridging the gap between developed and developing countries. South Africa’s Chairship also coincides with the 100th centenary celebrations of Nelson Mandela.

This gives an opportunity for Mandela’s legacy of socio-economic advancement to live on. The 2018 Summit will be a seminal milestone for BRICS cooperation, as it represents a decade of BRICS cooperation at the highest diplomatic level. The theme for the 10th BRICS Summit is: “BRICSInAfrica: Collaboration for Inclusive Growth and Shared Prosperity in the 4th Industrial Revolution”.

Click here to listen to President Ramaphosa’s BRICS 2018 welcome message