Media Release – West Rand Growth & Development summit venue

Maropeng Interpretation Centre – Cradle of Humankind, World Heritage Site, West Rand


“Bridging the gap between the 2nd and 1st Economy for Sustainable Development”

Timing: Monday 16 October 2006 The West Rand District Municipality in partnership with its constituent Local Municipalities will be officially launching the Growth and Development Summit for the region at Maropeng Interpretation Centre, the world-class visitor centre in The Cradle of Humankind World Heritage Site.

The Growth and Development Summit (GDS) aims to address challenges of high levels of unemployment and poverty. The summit seeks to recognise the leadership role of the Gauteng Provincial Government’s strategic rationale to address unemployment and poverty in the region. This is also the initiative of driving integrated, holistic, sustainable and participatory growth and development within the West Rand region

This GDS seeks to achieve a shared vision, amongst all sectors of our society, for the achievement of our goal of improving the quality of life for all West Rand region community. The primary objectives of the summit is to reinforce the Public Private Partnership’s joint strategy of addressing the critical challenges of high levels of unemployment and poverty, creating jobs and ensuring socio-economic transformation in the West Rand region

The summit is intended to build a sense of the region’s unity that will urge all sectors such as Business, NGO’s, CBO’s Labour component, Political groupings to participate in finding solutions to address the challenges faced by the West Rand Region. The challenges of unlocking West Rand region’s socio-economic potential are enormous and require strategic partnerships that will seek to marshal the full capabilities of all sectors to steer the required growth and development of our region in years to come.

The WRGDS outlines the specific contributions that the region can, and will make towards achieving our National Government’s vision of;

  • Halving unemployment through ensuring high levels of labour-absorbing programmes and projects, ensuring that the economic growth contributes to reduced inequality and leads to the development of our Province, nation and continent.
  • Halving poverty levels through growing secure prosperous communities with jobs, schools, clinics and other services, ensure safe communities and create a healthy environment, which supports families, social, cultural and volunteer activities.

What the launch of the summit seeks to address

  • provide economic growth, job creation and related targets for the west rand region
  • addressing the investment challenges
  • Advancing equity, developing skills, creating economic opportunities for and extending services
  • Local action for Development
  • SMME Development

WRD Local Economic Development Strategy

  • New business creation
  • Improving infrastructure
  • Improving local business competitiveness
  • Attracting inflow of investment
  • Encouraging local procurement
  • Improving skills and knowledge

For more information contact Jeff Jabu Nkosi on 082 771 3184 or Castro wa Mosina on 082 909 2183.