Mogale schools to participate in School Democracy Week programme

The Electoral Commission of South Africa in partnership with the Department of Basic Education are scheduled to commence with the 6th annual School Democracy Week programme to educate young people about electoral democracy.

Themed “Be the legacy: strengthen our democracy through voting”, the programme will be rolled out from 23 – 27 April 2018 in the week that South Africa celebrates Freedom Day and 24 years of electoral democracy. This important initiative is intended to educate learners about democracy, the importance of voting and to increase youth registration.

Staff from the Electoral Commission’s Outreach Division will visit participating public schools and lead activities which will include debates, presentations, mock elections, role play, voter registration, interactive sessions, lectures and formal lessons.

IEC’s Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo said the programme has been a great success over the past six years.

“This collaboration has grown from strength to strength and has become a highlight of the Electoral Commission’s calendar. It is no coincidence that Schools’ Democracy Week is held during the week in which South Africa celebrates Freedom Day – the 27th of April each year. That date has a special place in every South African’s heart – and especially for us at the Electoral Commission,” Mamabolo remarked during the Schools Democracy Week programme launch.

“Schools Democracy Week is also about more than voter education and learning about how to register as a voter and how to complete a ballot paper. It’s about entrenching the values and rights of our Constitution and promoting responsible and active citizenship among all South Africans,” said Mamabolo.

Mogale City Planned visits 

Planned School Visit Planned activities Date
Mogale City Primary Schools
Unity Primary

Civic & Democracy Education:
Learners will be taught about their rights, responsibilities and electoral processes (theory).

Spelling Bee:
Spelling competition amongst two teams.

Democracy Quiz:
Learners will be asked general questions on current issues.

17 April 2018
Maloney’s Primary 19 April 2018
Sandile Primary 20 April 2018
Mogale City Secondary Schools
Townview High Launch of the focus week 18 April 2018
Matla Secondary

Democracy Talk Show:
Learners will be given a topic and they will share their views.

Civic & Democracy Education: 
Learners will be taught about their rights, responsibilities and electoral processes (theory).

Democracy Quiz:
Learners will be asked general questions on current issues.

24 April 2018
Krugersdorp High 26 April 2018