Mogale City was honoured with the presence of Gauteng MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Faith Mazibuko at its two-day creative sector engagement held between 19 – 20 April at Banquet Hall in the Civic Centre.

In fulfilling its mandate and obligation to develop, accelerate and capacitate the local arts and culture sector, Mogale City’s Heritage, Arts and Culture Section scheduled a two-day engagement with various role players in the creative sector to not only deal with various challenges but to leverage opportunities for the sector. Amongst the known and identified challenges were lack of awareness on issues such as access to funding, business skills development and training, non-financial industry support and much more.

In her address, MEC Mazibuko started off by putting emphasis on her presence which was to show provincial support to the sector, to ensure municipal alignment to provincial work, that the spheres of government stop a silo working mentality and lastly highlight the significance of the sector in the broader South African economy. 

“It is of utmost importance that we as government not only preserve, promote and showcase all facets of the creative sector but also increase its contribution to the provincial GDP. Creative industries in the country contribute over 10% into our economy and therefore have to be recognised as an important sector. Whilst the industry is still partly untapped, it needs increased investment, better collaboration and support for higher growth to the benefit of all its role players”, emphasised the MEC.

“This effort by Heritage, Arts and Culture Section which aims to, in the end, set up an Arts and Culture Forum and have a basis for the development of an Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy for the municipality is a move in the right direction”, MEC Mazibuko concluded.

The event was also graced by young entrepreneurs from Mogale City and elsewhere working within the creative industry and associated government agencies. These special guests led presentations for various break-away commissions focussing on key areas affecting and relevant to the sector. Further and much needed support was also provided by the relevant and other MMCs, Mogale City staff, provincial government and other role-players which saw a culmination of a well-attended and engaging event.