“We are not going to turn a blind eye while alleged drug lords are colluding with corrupt police officials to perpetuate crime and corruption in our country. Your days are numbered and we are coming for you,” these were the words of Police Minister Fikile Mbalula while addressing the community of Kagiso at Kagiso Sports Complex.

Mbalula said the community of Kagiso, Munsieville and Krugersdorp took to the streets because they have lost trust and hope in the services of the police. He promised to clamp down on corrupt police officials and drug peddlers in Krugersdorp.

“I came here with SAPS National Commissioner General Khehla Sithole to listen to your (communities) concerns and map a way forward. Working together with all Mogale City residents and Mogale City Local Municipality (MCLM), we can deal with this scourge moving forward.”

Residents of Kagiso and Munsieville embarked on a planned protest against drug dealers and human traffickers in the area on Monday. Roads, a satellite police station in Munsieville and houses belonging to alleged drug dealers and human traffickers were torched by residents during the protest. The protest was a reaction to news that a Kagiso-based woman was abducted by alleged drug dealers and human traffickers last week and was later found dumped on the side of the road.

Minister Mbalula requested the community to give him a week to address the situation, deal with issues raised by the community and come back with feedback. 
MCLM Executive Mayor Councillor Patrick Lipudi and West Rand District Municipality Executive Mayor Councillor Boyce Maneli also attended the meeting.