The Department of Higher Education and Training is rolling out a countrywide public awareness campaign to warn the public about the presence of Bogus/illegal/fly-by-night Colleges.

The message to students is to verify if the private college, the programme they offer and the site or branch at which the programme is offered, is accredited with the Quality Council (QCs) and/or the Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) and/or the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO).
Students can verify this as follows:
1.    Look for the certificate of registration from the DHET on the premises of the college;
2.    The information on the certificate can be verified with the information on the Registers which are available on the Department’s website at, then click on Resources on the right hand side and then scroll down to Registers on the left hand side;
3.    For SETA accredited qualifications, contact the relevant SETA directly; and
4.    For QCTO qualifications, contact the QCTO directly at 012 003 1800.
5.    Also see attached leaflet for contact details. 
Students also need to be wary of the following:
1.    How long is the institution established?
2.    How does the infra-structure look?
3.    How professional are the staff in terms of engaging with students, responding to queries, maintaining records and the administrative and financial systems?
4.    Are the lecturers qualified to lecture?
5.    Do they make exaggerated claims and promises on jobs and salaries?  
6.    How many of the programmes they offer are accredited?
7.    Are the fees too high or too low?
Tips for students:
1.    Look at how other graduates are performing in the labour market;
2.    Speak to other students and graduates; 
3.    Consult the HELLO Peter website; and
4.    Report any wrongdoing to the Regulator and warn other students as well.
Should you have a query, do not hesitate to contact the Department of Higher Education and Training’s Register of Private Higher Education Institutions. 
Dr Shaheeda Essack
Phone: 012 312 5444