The Acting Municipal Manager of Mogale City, Abe Mbulawa announced that the Executive Mayor Lynn Pannall tendered her resignation yesterday.

“Those of us who spent time with her as Executive Mayor will remember her for the dedication she had in running Mogale City Local Municipality. The people of this city and its staff always came first to her,” said Mr Mbulawa.

The executive mayor has cited her prolonged illness as the reason it is difficult for her to continue with the task of running the city.

The Speaker of Council Naga Lipudi who is at the SALGA National Conference relayed his well wishes on the side-lines of the proceedings, “We note the reasons for her resignation with empathy and wish Cllr Lynn Pannall a speedy recovery.”

“We wish her all the best in her future endeavours,” said Council Whip Sipho Dube.

The municipality will in due course announce processes pertaining to the filling of the vacancy in the troika.