On Thursday 28 September Mogale City Executive Mayor Councillor Patrick Naga Lipuli opened a newly constructed road and nine other streets in Reitvallei 3 and 3A, near Azaadville.

The project which is referred to as PR 6 Reitvallei 3 and 3A Roads and Stormwater, is valued at R12. 8 million and is funded by the Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG). The construction project incorporates a 800 meter road which connects Reitvallei Extension 2 and Reitvallei 3 and 3A as well as 10 constructed streets within the area.

The previously muddy and narrow road which has been transformed into a two carriageway and the 10 streets are asphalt tarred, provides stormwater drainage, kerbs and 26 speed calming measures (speed humps).

Councillor Lipuli was over the moon when addressing the community, while also thanking the contractors for completing the project on time and within budget.

“We are proud as Mogale City Local Municipality to officially open and hand over this stretch of road and streets of Reitvallei 3 and 3A to the community. This project started not only started on time but was also completed on time, and this is an indication of good service delivery and leadership as expected by our people, “Councilor Lipuli said.

“Like the Bible says, every human being is brought on earth by the Almighty for a particular purpose and to be respected. I’m saying that because in all aspects when you see high-quality projects you always realise that those projects were led by good leaders, like the project we are unveiling today,” he added.

The Executive Mayor also thanked the contractor, Jodan Construction, for their financial contributions to the extensive improvements of the area, which include repairing of damaged walls and erecting fences for the needy families.

During the labour-intensive construction process, 75 jobs were created with many of the local workers receiving extensive training courses in different aspects of road construction work. The employees were also awarded accredited certificates before the formalities were concluded.

Councillor Betty Mdlane, the Member of the Mayoral Community (MMC) responsible for Roads said: “We are happy as residents of Reitvallei to be beneficiaries of this magnificent project. The construction of this road and development of the streets will ease mobility and serve as a catalyst for the growth and development of this local economy. .”

Councillor Lipuli concluded the programme by further indicating that the governing party in Mogale City, which is the African National Congress, has taken a conscious decision to make sure that the plight of the people of Mogale City is well taken care of.

Meanwhile, in the Central Business District (CBD) of Mogale City, more than 5km of roads are currently being resurfaced and repaired. The project forms part of the Municipality’s plan to rehabilitate and resurface main arterial roads. The programme seeks to meet the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) principles for construction and maintenance of roads and stormwater networks – another Municipal-driven intervention