Media Statement

Mogale City disappointed as residents choose shacks over houses

A rowdy group disrupted a meeting called by the Executive Mayor of Mogale City, Cllr Koketso Seerane on Sunday, 24 January 2016 at Tudor Shaft informal settlement.

The purpose of the meeting was to outline the relocation plans for residents of this informal settlement that lies over radioactive ground.

The municipality has spent R32 million to install bulk infrastructure at Kagiso Extension 13 where the community has agreed to be move to. The Housing Development Agency (HDA) also pledged R57 million to the first phase of an RDP development at the serviced site, which will yield 366 housing units.

A group of rowdy elements hurled stones at the Executive Mayor as he was outlining the plans, insisting on staying in their shacks in the radioactive area and disagreeing with those who were happy to move as was resolved in 2015.

The vehicle of the Member of the Mayoral Committee for Roads and Transport, Barry Friedman (who was hit with a brick) was badly damaged in the chaos that ensued. The Special Projects Coordinator in the Executive Mayor’s office, Mr Eric Ngwana also got minor injuries from stones hurled at him.

The municipality is disappointed with the behaviour of these uncouth and rowdy elements. Whilst we are pleased that these acts of anarchy did not result in any loss of life, thanks to the quick response of our public order police, we are adamant that no self-respecting government will leave our people to live in as perilous a situation as Tudor Shaft. We also refuse to subject the institution to financial, social and reputational liabilities that shall emerge in the long run if the people are left to stay in this area.

Therefore we will stick to the timelines we have agreed to with the HDA to build the units and provide them to our people by March 2016. We will also continue to engage those who are willing to move as we strive to persuade everyone else to embrace this project as they had bought into it last year. It is the best solution for everyone. No one in their right mind can choose to stay in a shack over a house.

Issued by Mogale City Local Municipality