Kromdraai Clinic: Mogale City investigating possibility of extending facilities.

Yesterday I did numerous oversights in the Kromdraai & Magaliesburg areas, of which one was to the Kromdraai Clinic.

The visit revealed that the clinic currently consists of a series of park-homes built on a cement slab with outside lavatories  and the park-homes are being used as both waiting and consultation rooms. A small but separate room is being used to store the medicine.

It was gratifying to see there are outside gardens that make use of grey water from the clinic, but the fact remains that the facility is too small to cater for the amount of people in the area who walk many kilometres to reach this clinic. The current set-up also offers no patient confidentiality.

However, the clinic is built next to a municipal house that became the property of Mogale City in 2011  after the municipal boundaries were re-demarcated.

Currently, this house is being used as both a storage area for EPWP equipment and to host public meetings.

Due to the proximity to the clinic, the house seems to lend itself to function as an extension of the clinic.

I have therefore approached the Head of the Social Development Department in Mogale City who are investigating the possibility of making the municipal house available to serve as an extension of the clinic where patients can privately consult with their doctors.

Issued by Lynn Pannall, Executive Mayor of Mogale City Local Municipality.