Mogale City Local Municipality Executive Mayor, Cllr Koketso Calvin Seerane officially opened the new Magaliesburg Park in Ga-Mogale earlier this month.

In his address, Seerane said the opening of the park should bring residents together and create a sense of community. “This park is testimony of the municipality’s commitment towards service delivery. Our communities made a plea for accessible and quality parks and we have responded to this by acquiring land, obtaining environmental authorisation and making the necessary budget allocations.”

“This is one of five parks that the municipality has developed over the past four years. You must keep it clean and free of any vandalism,” said the Executive Mayor.

The R3.5million park, well nestled between Ubuntu Cultural Village and residential areas, is a pleasant and sociable place for children to play.

The heart of the park is accessed by an entry road that offers an impressive view of the playground and a basketball court.

Member of the Mayoral Committee (MMC) responsible for Intergrated Environmental Management, Councillor Noluthando Mangole also pleaded with the community to care for their facilities. “We know that you have been patiently waiting for the official opening of the park and we plead that you care for this park as it belongs to you, not the municipality,” she said.

The new park has free to use restrooms, concrete benches, litter bins, flood lights, a parking area, multi-purpose court and play area with rubber matting.

The municipality has successfully built Kagiso Regional Park, Azaadville Park and Magaliesburg Park. Muldersdrift and Munsieville parks are envisaged to be completed in due time with Coronation Park developments predicted to be completed in 2017.

MMC responsible for Human Settlement and Rural Development, Councillor Annah Setswalo-Moja and the Municipal Manager Dan Mashitisho were also at the handover ceremony.