Winter season is one the most disliked seasons of the year but with a few tips, it can easily turn into a much effortless time of the year.

While there is nothing you can do to change winter temperatures, there is a lot that you can do about your electricity bill so that winter does not hit you as hard.

To help you keep warm and reduce the amount you spend on electricity this winter, we have put together a few tips:

Delay switching on your space heater
Delay switching on your space heater by dressing warmly – wear a beanie and gloves at home. Skip the electric blanket which will increase your electricity bill and wrap yourself in a blanket and put a hot water bottle on your lap when you watch television.

Use the sun for heat
Use nature’s heater to your advantage by keeping your curtains open whenever the sun is up. Close your curtains before it gets dark – it improves thermal insulation by preventing heat from escaping your home.

Drink hot beverages
Drinking something warm like tea, coffee and soup raises your core body temperature.

Monitor fires
It is easy to doze off in front of a fire. Always make sure that hot coal in the fireplace or brazier is completely out before going to bed.