Mogale City Executive Mayor Lynn Pannall took members of the mayoral committee and municipal officials on a drive to assess the state of Sivewright Avenue and surrounds as a precursor to development of an Urban Development Zone.

Last month, the Executive Mayor announced that she had been meeting with relevant stakeholders to investigate numerous solutions to the inner city decay and was in the process of looking into establishing an inner city rejuvenation programme.

The entourage was able to identify houses that facilitate socio-economic problems in the area. The municipality will be taking action to clean up the area and owners of the identified properties will be receiving notice of our intentions.

“We need to ensure that we are not chasing a moving target in that area, therefore I will be working with MMC for Local Economic Development, Chris van der Westhuizen to investigate the development of an Urban Development Zone which will ensure sustainable development and give a much-needed facelift to the area,” said the Executive Mayor.

The Executive Mayor believes that creation of a conducive environment for business and families to thrive requires cooperation and determination.