The year 2015 is fast approaching the last of its bountiful days. It is a year that has cemented the optimistic view that ours is a country that is alive with possibilities and that is the reason we have to celebrate.

Prior to such celebrations though, the spirit of ubuntu and our keen sense of justice enjoins us to reflect and take heed of the needs of those who grind through the days with little to put on the table and not much of a shred of cloth to cover themselves. Our minds should be sharper in thought and consideration of the least advantaged of our kin, our hearts kinder so that our hands can stretch helpfully to ensure that all residents of our city enjoy this wonderful season of giving. Every little gesture of goodwill shall go a long way in reinforcing a sense of belonging for those who cannot afford to buy the niceties of this season.

Over the years we have consistently told everyone who cared to listen that:

“Each of our staff members strives to build a better life for our people in whatever small way they can. These individual efforts have been harnessed into an enviable, indefatigable and integrated service delivery machinery. It gives us great pleasure to have such dedicated people associated with this beautiful City of Human Origin.”

The results of this dedication saw us receiving two successive unqualified opinions from the Auditor-General in 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 which were followed by a clean audit for the 2013/2014 financial years. We are pleased to announce that we have retained a clean audit for the 2014/2015 financial year. This demonstrates that the institution of the people which we manage at their privilege and behest is in more than good hands. It is administered by a cohort of responsible and conscientious men and women who cut no corners nor leave no stone unturned to respond to the cardinal demands of our people thus ensuring full enjoyment of the democratic dividend by all residents of the city.

We wish all those who will be taking trips to meet their loved ones or exploring the beautiful South African landscape the safest of journeys. Once more we urge you to take heed of the Arrive Alive message not to drink and drive as well as to make regular stops to refresh. We would like all our staff and residents to return fully recharged in the New Year.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous 2016.