Mogale City Local Municipality in partnership with provincial and national government departments donated books to Mogale City residents in honour of the late State President Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

Mogale City Executive Mayor, Councillor Koketso Calvin Seerane spent more than 67 minutes donating books to residents of Kagiso. The campaign which was titled ‘Drop All and Read’ saw more than 3 000 literature books in 11 languages donated to residents.

Councillor Seerane accompanied by the Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa and Gauteng MEC for Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation Molebatsi Bopape, took to the streets of Kagiso handing out books to residents and selected families.

Addressing the community of Kagiso and other dignitaries from various spheres of government, Councillor Seerane said: “We are happy as a municipality to be part of our iconic leader’s birthday celebration. We want to thank all community members who took part in this event, more so the youth who came to celebrate this important day in the calendar of the whole universe with us.”

Councillor Seerane also urged the youth to take education seriously. He said: “For us to preserve the legacy of Ntate Mandela, we need to release the Mandela within us. We want to encourage our youth to take their education seriously.

“There are no short cuts in life. The only weapon available at your disposal that can take you out of poverty is education. If you are learned, no one will ever take that (education) away from.”

MEC Bopape said the “Drop All and Read” campaign is in line with this year’s Nelson Mandela International Day theme. Some of the families that received stacks of books include the Mohapi, Mpuru and Nkosi families.

“It is a great joy and indeed an honour to be in Kagiso to celebrate Mandela Day. We are here to launch the most important operation in the basic education sector aptly named ‘Drop All and Read’ campaign.

“The reading revolution is in line with this year’s Mandela Day theme that is focused on reading and books. Nelson Mandela made a call during his lifetime for the next generation to take on the burden of leadership in addressing the world’s social injustices when he said ‘It is in your hands now’,” MEC Bopape said.

Speaking on behalf of Basic Education Minister Angie Motshega, Minister Molewa appealed to the community to read books.

“We are donating these books because the late Tata Mandela wrote books and loved reading. We want to make South Africa a reading, developed and well-informed nation,” Minister Molewa said.

Sonwabile Ndamase, the famous Madiba shirt designer also graced the celebration.

The month of July, has over the years become known as Mandela Month. 18 July which is the late Nelson Mandela birthday date, was officially declared Nelson Mandela International Day by the United Nations in November 2009.