Mogale City Local Municipality has obtained a clean audit opinion for the 2014/2015 financial year from the Auditor General (AG) of South Africa. The municipality achieved the same audit outcomes in the previous financial period.

Out of 12 municipalities in Gauteng, only four municipalities got clean audits and Mogale City is the only municipality on the West Rand that received a clean audit report.

Member of the Mayoral Committee for Finance, Councillor Farouk Bhayat expressed his delight at Mogale City’s audit outcome. Councillor Bhayat thanked the municipality’s political and administrative leadership for ensuring that ‘government business is conducted in line with the requirements of the Municipal Finance Management Act’.

Councillor Bhayat said a clean audit from the office of the AG expresses the opinion that Mogale City’s financial statements are “an accurate representation of the municipality’s financial position and performance in accordance with general recognised accounting practices.”

He said the AG’s audit is based on, among other areas, an institution’s annual financial statements, predetermined objectives and most importantly, whether the institution in review has complied with legislation.

“I want to express my gratitude to both political and administrative stakeholders, the community and everyone who in one way or another contributed to our success,” said Councillor Bhayat, who was the Acting Executive Mayor at the time.

“Our achievement means well for local government, particularly the West Rand and other spheres of government,” Councillor Bhayat explained.

Nerosen Venketsamy, a senior manager in the office of the AG also applauded Mogale City for earning a clean financial audit for the second year in a row.