The first Ordinary Council of Mogale City Local Municipality for the 2016-2021 political term of office was held this week and, amongst other things, resolved to appoint an accounting officer by the end of the year.

The contract of the current municipal manager, Mr. Dan Mashitisho who has served two terms since 2006, ends next month (31st October 2016). Council also resolved to appoint the Chief Operating Officer to act as accounting officer from the 1st November to the end of December 2016. The municipality envisages that the municipal manager will start work in January 2017.

Council also resolved that the first order of business for the accounting officer will be to fill the positions of chief financial officer and executive managers for Infrastructure Services; Integrated Environmental Management; Social Services as well as Corporate Support Services.

Council also received a report from the Speaker, Cllr Naga Lipudi which indicated that former councillor Peace Mabe (African National Congress) did not get paid a salary by the municipality in August 2016. The matter of possible double-dipping by the former councillor, who is a member of the national assembly, was raised for investigation by the Economic Freedom Front in the last special council held on the 31st August 2016. The councillor, who resigned on the 23rd August 2016, has since been replaced by Cllr David Letsie who was sworn in yesterday.

Council also resolved to derecognise assets worth R6.9 million for the 2015/2016 financial year. By law assets shall be derecognized when no future economic benefits or potential services are expected. These assets include animals, plant and equipment.

The municipality will review Rules and Orders of Council and thereafter establish a Rules Committee. The following committees will, as a matter of urgency, be established by recommendation of the Rules Committee to Council:

• Petitions Committee and
• Municipal Public Accounts Committee.

Municipalities are required to establish ward committees within ninety (90) days after the first municipal Council sitting. In pursuance of this objective, Council resolved to start a process of constituting ward committees in all thirty-nine (39) wards of the city. This process commences on the 3rd October 2016 and will be concluded by March 2017.

The municipality will ensure that the establishment of ward committees does not clash with the equally important process of collecting community needs that will inform the new political term’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP). The Executive Mayor will hold IDP roadshows in October to November 2016.