Mogale City Local Municipality has resolved to phase in water restrictions to reduce water consumption in response to low dam levels and a rise in temperatures going forward.

The Department of Water and Sanitation Gazette of the 12th August 2016 indicated that 15% water restrictions need to be implemented on the integrated Vaal River System area as a result of insufficient rainfall in the catchment area. Our main supplier, Rand Water which receives water from the Vaal River System, has set a goal of 15% saving on water supply and has encouraged its clients to assist in achieving this goal.

South Africa is a water scarce country and all citizens are required to be prudent in managing this resource. The municipality will therefore implement a phased water restriction programme which includes the following minimum activities:

•    immediate water saving awareness campaign to all residents of the city
•    an attempt to repair of all visible water leaks within 12 hours
•    imposing penalties on consumers exceeding prescribed water consumption (i.e. Our Water by-laws allow us to issue an enforcement notice when water is wasted by a consumer)
•    effecting flow restrictions on Zonal Water meters should the need arise
We therefore wish to appeal to residents of Mogale City to work with us in reducing water consumption. We propose the following measures to help us reduce water consumption:

•    Do not wash your vehicle with a hose pipe, rather use a bucket or take your vehicle to a car wash that recycles water
•    Do not irrigate your garden between 5am and 8pm
•    Reduce your time in the shower and close the tap when brushing your teeth
•    Fix all water leaks in the house, e.g. taps, cisterns, leaking pipes etc.
•    Do not use a hosepipe to clean driveways
•    Use plants in your garden that require less water and recycle water in your garden
•    Replace your shower head with a more efficient approved water-saving fitting
•    Use rain tanks to capture water from your roof
•    Cover your swimming pool to reduce water evaporation
•    Report all visible water leaks outside your property to the municipality
We also plead with our schools, churches, businesses and industries to do the following:

•    Recycle water as much as possible
•    Not to use fire hoses to clean shop floors, driveways and walkways
•    Fleet should be cleaned with recycled water
•    Invest in urinals that are user-activated
•    Ensure that the maximum flow rate through any tap on hand-wash basin does not exceed eight (8) litres per minute
We will work with other spheres of government and Rand Water to monitor the water situation and keep residents abreast of developments.

Call centre number: 0861 664 253

SMS: 083 433 2908