Be the Hero Campaign is aimed at increasing awareness of the need to value water and to use it wisely. South Africa is a water stressed country and water resources are under tremendous pressure from a growing population in Gauteng.

The amount of water available for use remains the same, and despite plans to increase storage capacity through the building of new dams or water transfer schemes, predictions are that the demand for water will outstrip supply by 2025.

The only answer to this dilemma lies in changing people’s attitude and thus their behaviour to use water more wisely.

The awareness campaign will be held as follows:

Date                     Venue 
 4 June 2015  Kagiso Ext 12 Hall
 5 June 2015  Munsieville Open Space next to the taxi rank
 6 June 2015  Ga-Mogale –  Magaliesburg  (Open Space, Next to Ubuntu)

 key messages on the day:

  • Fix that tap and save 550 litres a week, that’s 55 buckets of precious water
  • Choose low water usage plants and save up to 2000 litres per year. That’s 25 bathtubs of precious water
  • Close the hosepipe while washing your car and save up to 4000 litres.  That’s 50 bathtubs of precious water
  • Shorten your shower by two minutes and save 600 litres per month. That’s 60 buckets of precious water
  • Install a water efficient showerhead and save 3000 litres per month. That’s 38 bathtubs of precious water
  • Close the tap while brushing our teeth and save 1000 litres a month. That’s 13 bathtubs of precious water
  • Turn off water while shaving and save up to 1200 litres