It has come to the attention of Mogale City Local Municipality that some of our ratepayers that prefer to make payment via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), are mistakenly making payments to the wrong municipality.
When making an EFT transfer through any bank, please ensure that you select the option to pay “A Public Recipient” or search the bank’s list of public recipients then select “Mogale Municipality – Sundry Revenue” or “Mogale City Local Municipality”.
Remember to use your 15 digit account number as reference when making an electronic payment through any bank to allow us to identify and allocate your payment. If your account number has less than 15 digits, add zeros in front of your account number to make it 15 digits – for example 000000000123456. Scrutinise your account number and ensure that you are billed correctly and that your payments are allocated. If your payment has not been allocated, email your proof of payment to customerservices@mogalecity.gov.za.
Please keep proof of all municipal payments as well as any prepaid water or electricity purchases voucher for as long as possible.
Update your contact details
All municipal account holders are urged to update their contact details on our billing system by sending their cell phone numbers, email addresses together with their account numbers to customerservices@mogalecity.gov.za to receive their municipal statements by email.
Issued by:
Mogale City Local Municipality
Corporate Communications
Call Centre: 0861 664 253
Email: customerservices@mogalecity.gov.za