The City of human Origin



Grant-in-Aid applications open

Mogale City’s Community Development Services Department invites organisations from all 39 wards seeking funding for projects that will benefit local communities to apply for the 2019/20 Grant-in-Aid funding, which is in line with the recently approved Grant-in-Aid...

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National Rural Youth Service Corps vacancies

NARYSEC is a skills development programme involving young people residing and making a living in rural settings.  It is a long term programme of government facilitated, coordinated and implemented by the DRDLR in partnership with other national, provincial and local...

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3rd Street closure

Mogale City Local Municipality (MCLM) would like to notify the public and the motorists that 3rd street located between revamped old taxi rank and Paardekraal Primary school will be closed from the 4th of July until to the 20th of July 2019. The closure of the street,...

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Urgent notice to consumers

To all Mogale City consumers, please note that end of June is the municipality's financial year end. In order to finalize its financial records, Mogale City Local Municipality humbly requests all consumers to pay their municipal accounts on or before 27 June 2019....

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Water interruption

14 March 2019 Mogale City Local Municipality would like to inform residents and businesses in the Breunanda area about a water interruption due to a burst water pipe. There are currently water repairs that are underway, parts of Breunanda, Mindalore and surrounding...

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Call centre line back up

14 March 2019 Customer Relations Management Section (CRM) is pleased to inform residents that techical issues on the 086 166 4253 call centre line have been resolved. The call centre line is therefore back online and call centre agents are ready to assist residents...

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Call centre line down

13 March January 2019 The municipality’s Customer Relations Management Section (CRM) is currently experiencing technical difficulties with the call centre line. CRM is currently unable to receive all inbound calls on the call centre line but are working around the...

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Load shedding schedule

Mogale City Local Municipality serves to inform residents that load shedding is controlled by Eskom. It is important for residents to note that the current load shedding schedule is not fixed and merely serves as an indication to allow residents to plan accordingly....

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Licensing department goes cashless

Licensing department goes cashless2 January 2019 Mogale City Local Municipality Licensing and Registration department wishes to inform it’s residents and those preferring to do their vehicle licensing, registration or related matters at the Mogale City centre that no...

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Holiday office closure

Holiday office closure 14 December 2018 Mogale City Local Municipality residents and rate payers are hereby notified of the closure of municipal offices between Christmas and New Year. Administrative offices will close on Friday, 21 December 2018 at 12:00 and will...

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Temporary water suspension due to repair work

Temporary water suspension due to repair work  12 October 2018  Mogale City Local Municipality hereby notifies residents that most parts of Mogale City are without water due to a main water pipeline burst at the corner of Paardekraal and Commissioner Streets (opposite...

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Municipality Address

Provide contact details

Contact Numbers

Call Centre

0861 664 253
07:30 AM - 16:00 PM
Monday to Friday

WhatsApp Line

083 787 2814

Switch Board

011 951 2000

Emergencies Services

010 345 1405
011 564 2210


011 951 1153/2