The City of human Origin


Mogale City Local Municipality makes its public spaces available for commercial outdoor advertising on first come first served basis and in line with the municipality’s Supply Chain policy. Below are requirements for the display of signs in Mogale City:

Mogale City Local Municipality makes its public spaces available for commercial outdoor advertising on first come first served basis and in line with the municipality’s Supply Chain policy. Below are requirements for the display of signs in Mogale City:

  • Must be at least 600mm X 450mm but not larger than 900 mm x 600 mm
  • Must not be higher than 1m and shall not cause an obstruction or pose a danger to pedestrian- or other traffic
  • Stakes or posts to which auction posters are affixed shall not be driven more than 120 mm into the ground
  • Must not be attached to, placed on or against or otherwise supported by any transformer box, telephone pole, tree road traffic sign
  • Must not be placed on traffic circles, traffic islands, traffic lights, road traffic signs, power masts, trees, pillars, fencing, electrical substations, bridges or any similar structures
  • May only be displayed for 14 days prior to the date of the auction
  • Only one auction poster per street block is allowed with a maximum of 50 posters per auction
  • May not be displayed on national roads
  • May not be erected on tarred or paved surfaces
  • Must only use an arrow to indicate the direction of the auction
  • The auctioneer’s name, the word “auction” and details of the auction must appear on the signs
  • All information on the poster shall have a minimum letter size of 50mm (including the lower case letter size)

In the case of a liquidation auction, a copy of the relevant court order with the case number must accompany the application for consent. The case number must be clearly displayed at the bottom of the sign.

  • Signs are permitted in all areas of control
  • The sign shall not contain information other than the words “for sale”, “to let” or “sold”, the name and telephone number of the selling or letting agent and the logo of the real estate agency
  • The maximum size must not exceed 460mm x 600mm on residential premises, unless otherwise approved by the municipality
  • A maximum of one sign per agent and a total of three signs may be permitted on residential premises
  • A maximum height of the sign from the ground must not exceed 3m

The size of a real estate agent’s sign may be increased with the specific consent of the municipality in the case of:

Natural and rural areas

2,0 m² for single signs or 2,3 m² in total for two joined signs

Areas of minimum and partial control

2,8 m² for single signs or 3,2 m² in total for two joined signs

  • Sign must be attached to the boundary fence/wall of the premises concerned or displayed within the boundaries of the premises, and may not be displayed inside the road reserve
  • Must not be displayed on a premises for longer than three months unless otherwise approved by the municipality and must be removed not later than 14 days after conclusion of a contract of sale or lease of the premises in question
  • Each face of a sign shall not be larger than 450 mm x 600 mm and shall only be displayed in landscape format
  • The selling or letting agent shall not display more than eight signs per show house or premises, irrespective of the number of routes to the show house or premises. Such signs may be double-sided
  • Direction signs may not be displayed on a provincial or national road
  • Each selling or letting agent shall erect only one sign per show house per intersection, with a maximum of 8 signs in total while not more than six signs are allowed at T-junctions
  • Each selling or letting agent shall not display more than one sign between consecutive intersections
  • Signs shall not be placed on traffic circles or traffic islands, traffic lights, road traffic signs, power masts, trees, pillars, fencing, electrical substations, bridges or any similar structures
  • Stakes or poles to which signs are affixed shall not be driven deeper than 120 mm into the ground
  • Only one sign per stake is allowed
  • Signs shall not be erected on tarred or paved surfaces
  • Signs shall not be higher than 1m and shall not obstruct the view of motorists at intersections and/or exits on public roads or pose a danger to pedestrian or other traffic
  • Only the estate agent’s name and/or logo, the words “on show” and an arrow indicating the direction to the relevant premises may appear on the signs
  • The selling or letting agent shall register with the municipality or the authorised agent of the municipality before being allowed to erect signs in the municipal area
  • An annual registration fee as determined from time to time by the municipality must be paid to the municipality failing which boards shall be confiscated and penalties will apply
  • A selling or letting agent who disregards any of the foregoing stipulations forfeits the registration fee and the agent, his/her principal and/ or agency will be considered unregistered and may not advertise in the Municipality area until he/she has reregistered
  • Signs shall not be displayed on the road reserve or road reserve boundaries of freeways
  • No illumination or animation of real estate agent’s signs or the use of reflective materials on the signs is allowed
  • In the case of a property “on show”, signs and bunting may only be erected on the premises. Information with regard to the premises on show may only be displayed for the duration of the show day and must be removed by the end of the day

    To apply for outdoor advertising and signature, download and complete MCP 5(1) form.



    Nomthandazo Sibanyoni: (011) 951 2154
    Kabelo Mogale: 083 701 2096
    Tshepo Mompei: 083 701 2093

    Find us:

    FurnCity Building
    Corner Human and Monument Streets
    Ground floor
    Krugersdorp CBD

    Operating hours:

    Monday – Friday
    08h00am to 16h00pm

    Municipality Address

    Provide contact details

    Contact Numbers

    Call Centre

    0861 664 253
    07:30 AM - 16:00 PM
    Monday to Friday

    WhatsApp Line

    083 787 2814

    Switch Board

    011 951 2000

    Emergencies Services

    010 345 1405
    011 564 2210


    011 951 1153/2