The City of human Origin




Municipal Manager

Makhosana Msezana

Responsible for the establishment and maintenance of a strategic management system for the municipality as a whole to ensure that its strategic objectives, developmental and service delivery obligations are achieved. 

Chief Audit Executive

Dumisani Ngutshana

Ensures compliance with municipal legislation and guarantees that all municipal departments adhere to the IDP, municipal strategies and policies.

Chief Financial Officer

Binang Monkwe

Provides effective planning and management of financial recourses to promote financial viability.

Corporate Support Services

Michael Dube

Provides systems to support business operation through productive use and management of human capital and corporate facilities.

Economic Development Services

Nomkita Fani

Provides strategies for efficient use of natural assets to provide investment and economic opportunities.

Infrastructure Development Services 

Xolani Sibiya

Provides effective and sustainable municipal basic services to local communities.

Community Development Services

Lovey Modiba

Provides mechanisms to promote social development, safe and friendly neighbourhood for local communities.

Operations Management 

Diale Lodi

Provides systems to ensure coherent planning and assessment of service levels delivered to communities.

Integrated Environmental Management

Madikana Thenga

Provides activities and services that promote high level biodiversity, clean and healthy environments within the habitat.

Municipality Address

Provide contact details

Contact Numbers

Call Centre

0861 664 253
07:30 AM - 16:00 PM
Monday to Friday

WhatsApp Line

083 787 2814

Switch Board

011 951 2000

Emergencies Services

010 345 1405
011 564 2210


011 951 1153/2