Thriving in business
Doing business in Mogale City
There is an emphasis on economic development in Mogale City, with the municipality offering several incentives to prospective investors and businesses. MOGALE CITY offers vast potential for investors, both in the industrial and in the commercial sectors. It is a peaceful, stable region with a strong skilled and semi-skilled labor force. Opportunities lie in manufacturing and agri-business. Other dominant economic sectors across the municipality are retail and service. Businesses enjoy the support of a strong business chamber, the Mogale Chamber of Commerce, whose prime focus is on the local economic development and value-added services and benefits.
The municipality is also geared to providing support to the business sector and potential investors. Mogale City has created an investor-friendly environment by creating multi-sectored economic growth. Investment proposals are aimed to satisfy the growth potential of investors and residents. In addition to the incentive schemes offered by the Department of Trade and Industry, Mogale City also offers a wide range of incentives for prospective investors in an attempt to enhance foreign and local investment in globally competitive industries.
Its local economic development department has a clear understanding of the needs of the municipality’s various communities, while it also focuses on the importance of empowerment and poverty alleviation. The department helps to create job opportunities by offering entrepreneurial training backed by a sound support system, the marketing of products, scientific and technological exchange of information and access to finance. The municipality encourages economic diversification through agriculture, textile manufacturing and many other related industries. There is also an emphasis on job creation via the development of small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs). To ensure there is effective, meaningful and sustainable local economic development, Mogale City has adopted an Integrated Development Plan that incorporates opportunities to unlock economic potential in the city’s industrial and commercial areas.