The City of human Origin



Road maintenance work starts in the CBD

Road maintenance is essential not only to preserve the road in its originally constructed condition but also to protect adjacent resources and ensure user safety. In an effort to achieve this, the road network in Mogale City requires ongoing maintenance. Accordingly,...

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Scheduled refuse collection disrupted

Mogale City’s Waste Management wishes to apologise to residents and businesses affected by the non-provision of refuse removal services on Monday 15 and Tuesday 16 November. This scheduled essential service was regrettably disrupted by a labour dispute. Although...

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Reservoirs recovering following water shutdown

Mogale City’s Water Services Division is aware that some parts of Mogale City are experiencing low water pressure or have no water supply at all. Please note that this is due to Rand Water’s recent 54-hour water shutdown in Gauteng which started on Monday,15 November...

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Power outage planned for Mogale City

Mogale City Local Municipality’s Energy Services Division wishes to inform residents, businesses and other stakeholders of Eskom’s planned power supply outage scheduled for 13 November 2021 from 08h00 in the morning until 16h00 in the afternoon. The power outage is as...

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Mogale City would like to hear from you

It has been almost three years since we revamped the municipal website and continuously strive to provide you with a great website experience as this digital communication tool is critical in serving you better. As part of improving your online experience, we are...

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2022/23 IDP and Budget Annual Process Plan

A notice is hereby given in terms of Section 21(A) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act (Act No.32 of 2000) that the 2022/23 IDP and Budget Annual Process Plan was adopted at a Mogale City Local Municipality Council meeting help on Tuesday, 31 August 2021....

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Growth opportunities for local SMMEs

In collaboration with Mogale City Local Municipality, the Gauteng Department of Economic Development (GDED) has established a construction and engineering incubation programme in Munsieville to help boost 100% black-owned businesses through skills development,...

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Municipality Address

Provide contact details

Contact Numbers

Call Centre

0861 664 253
07:30 AM - 16:00 PM
Monday to Friday

WhatsApp Line

083 787 2814

Switch Board

011 951 2000

Emergencies Services

010 345 1405
011 564 2210


011 951 1153/2